A TRUE hashtag#EMAIL TALE...
This morning I came into my office and there was an email from my husband. It was title, “The terminator is coming…” No joke. That was the exact SUBJECT LINE of his email.
I don’t care that another Terminator movie is coming out. I liked only the first and second Terminator movies, and thought the rest were crap.
I didn’t open his email. I trashed it. I didn’t see the link he had inside it, but even if I did, I wouldn’t have paid attention to it with his email subject line.
As I reviewed my emails, I watched the news, as I do every morning. The segment was on Boston Dynamics, a well-known robotics firm. They were showing off the agility their Atlas robot, doing a back flip! I was so blown away, it looked so real, like a person, I sent the video clip to my husband and kids. My subject line: “Totally cool robot moves!”
My husband sent me back an email, “I sent this video to you this morning.”
Hmm…he did? I didn’t see it.
“It was in the email about the terminator coming,” he wrote. “I guess I gave my email a bad title.”
No shit.
WORDS MATTER! Marketing/Copywriting must choose the RIGHT WORDS for the right audience to get response.
