Marketing Mentorships
Work one-on-one with an IPP Marketing Mentor. Customize Lean Marketing Workshops to specifically suit your business needs. Create a marketing roadmap, and derive marketing strategies with your mentor, then implement professional, multimedia campaigns together (digital and print), step-by-step to build, brand, and grow your business.
Validate Your Offerings Before Marketing Them
Learn to find Product/Market Fit for your latest idea, or developed offering that you have not yet productized. Work with an IPP Mentor to guide you step-by-step through the Productization process to create a marketing foundation, a strategic roadmap to produce tightly targeted campaigns filled with SEO content that gets response and generate sales.
Brand Your Offerings and Business for Success
Branding your new startup, or branding a new offering requires names, logos, social media icons, taglines, and implementing multimedia brand standards so whoever is doing your marketing is building brand awareness with every campaign. An IPP mentor guides you step-by-step in producing professional identity packages for your offerings, and venture.
Write, Design, Produce Better Marketing
Does your marketing efforts grab attention, and motivate an action on the part of the viewer? If not, it may be time to get a Marketing Mentor to help you achieve greater response on all your marketing efforts forward. Learn to create digital and print campaigns that are visually captivating, and rich in SEO copy content. Your IPP Mentor will show you how to create a myriad of marketing tools, even network and PR pitches, that build your brand, and grow your business.
Make Your Data Work for Better Target Marketing
Andrew Weiss, Principal Engineer for the Netflix Recommendation Prize, mentors businesses in utilizing their data to increase engagement, retention, and conversion. Andrew helps you set up your data pipeline, then implement collaborative filtering and dynamic recommendation systems for personalized targeting, as well as tightly targeted email, and affiliate marketing campaigns.
Grow Your Business with a Marketing Mentor
Learn to Implement a Strategic Marketing Roadmap for Your Business
Entreprenures, startup and business pros, set up a marketing foundation that will provide strategic direction and professional content marketing for digital [SEO], print and viral campaigns that brand your business and sell your offerings.