Marketing PRACTICE
for Sustained Business Growth
Silicon Valley
Over 500,000 startups launch in the U.S. annually.
90% fail in the first five years.
Marketing can make or break your business. Most entrepreneurs are hoping to build thriving companies, but the fact is, most will not survive without effective marketing.
"Marketing PRACTICE for Sustained Business Growth in Silicon Valley," is a 50 minute presentation exposing a distinct pattern that leads to business failure time and again, then introduces a unique marketing paradigm to build, brand and grow a successful business. Originally developed for the Stanford entrepreneurial community, the RAF Marketing Method is a proprietary marketing model that makes effectively marketing a business doable, in sequential, actionable steps.
Lean Business Marketing PROCESS, step-by-step, not MBA theory, or entrepreneurs' stories (which worked for them, but likely won't for most of us).
The three step RAF Marketing Method delivers a clear and specific path to consistently creating (or directing those you hired to produce) digital, print and viral marketing that builds your brand image and motivates sales. Attendees will learn how to set up a solid foundation for marketing their offerings, and branding their venture into a sustainable business.
This presentation empowers entrepreneurs, engineers to CEOs with a proven method of effectively marketing an idea, or a new or existing offering, step-by-step, into a thriving company.
Attendees will learn:
MBA to Marketing novice, learn Marketing PROCESS, like never before.
The RAF Marketing Method to avoid the three primary points of business failure.
Productization of your product, service, or nonprofit, into a marketable offering of value.
How to effectively build Brand awareness of your offerings and company.
Effective Multichannel marketing for branding and conversion.
15 minute Q & A follows presentation.

To bring Lean Business Marketing WORKSHOPS or an IPP Talks WEBINAR to your business or entrepreneurial team, please contact us. Click the button below to see the current list of available LIVE ONLINE talks.